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Exhibit at:
Naam Yoga Los Angeles

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As a former member of Naam Yoga LA, I was honored to share my spiritual journey with you through the colors of my artwork.  The colorful images displayed were from my collection of daily meditations where I use color as a core component of my spiritual practice.  Color has become an opening and connection to the sacred within and around me.

The integration of Naam into my daily life came naturally to me as the meditations, music, and practice of Shakti Naam resonated deeply with my mind, body, and spirit.

My experiences of Naam flowed through and took form in my color meditations, specifically translated in four of the images displayed: Shakti, I Am, Wahe Guru Wahe Jio, and Lumen de Lumine.

I felt that my color images were truly at homeat NYLA. Thank you for the gift of sharing them with you. I invite you to experience color as a part of your spiritual journey.  Enjoy!

Much love, peace, and light,

Prints of Rosanna's artwork are available for purchase online. A portion of the proceeds for the artwork sold were donated to Naam Yoga.


Past Exhibits

Coming Alive: Opening to the Sacred through Color

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July 22-December 6, 2013
Sofia University
Palo Alto, CA, 94303

There are certain times in our lives when we feel most alive.

What does it mean to come alive?  For me, coming alive includes the experience of freely exploring and expressing one’s inner essence, embracing one’s authentic self, living one’s truth, in union with one’s experience of the sacred.  Living from this authentic, sacred-centered space is life affirming, and promotes wholeness, balance, healing, union, and creativity – a felt sense of coming alive.  I imagine there to be as many openings leading into this life-giving space as there are individuals.  

My personal experience of coming alive includes the use of color as an entryway into a lived experience of the sacred within and around me.

This exhibit is conceived and inspired by a deep core desire to come alive and contribute to the experiences of others who are seeking to come alive.  Through this exhibit I present to you a few of my color images, created during my daily spiritual practice of experiencing the sacred through color.

Might color be inviting you to explore and experience the sacred?

I invite you to experience color as an opening into your own personal experience of coming alive.

Much peace,
Rosanna Ferraro-Jensen

Prints of Rosanna's artwork are available for purchase online. 

Naam Yoga Los Angeles

May 30, 2014 - Oct. 31, 2014

1231 4th Street
Santa Monica, CA  90401
Tel. (310) 751-7550

Prints of all pieces are available from the online store.